Monday, February 2, 2009

10 Things About Me

1. If I were to be an animal, I would be a panda. They have a unique living style, they're cute, and they are also vegetarians.
2. Five non-living things I cannot live without would be: chapstick, gum, ipod, cell phone, and water.
3. I would consider myself as a listener
4. The book that I would want to have with me on a deserted island would be any of the Twilight books because I can read them over and over
5. In a group setting, I usually follow.
6. The songs are: Chiodos- Lexington..., Valencia- Head In Hands, Death Cab for Cutie- No Sunlight, Flyleaf- All Around Me, Bayside- Walking Wounded
7. I think my best personality trait is that I'm really easy going. My worst is my shyness.
8. If I was given $1000 I would pay off school for the semester or buy a laptop
9. The movie I have seen more than twice is Harry Potter. I like the books and the movies pretty much follow the books well.
10. The best advice that I have ever gotten was "Everything happens for a reason. We may not understand it now, but later on in life, it will make sense of why it happened." My dad gave me that advice when I was younger and I didn't comprehend what was going on.


  1. W00t -- another Harry Potter fan! I'm always thrilled to find someone else who loves Hogwarts. :) I am currently reading Twilight and should probably finish it in a week or so. I've heard that all the books in the series are good, so I'm looking forward to reading them, too.

  2. Oh my gosh I totally forgot about my cell phone... I can't live without that either. I like the advice your dad gave you, it's very true... sometimes happen that seem so horrible at the time but when you look back you tend to be greatful it did.
