Thursday, February 26, 2009

#6- What Johnny Shouldn't Read

After reading What Johnny Shouldn't Read, I was surprised and then not surprised. I was disappointed in some of the books that were banned because of one thing (certain words, race, sex, etc) and it may not even be such a big deal. In Romeo and Juliet, I never knew that 300 lines were taken out. It's just surprisng to me to see people go this far into banning a book. A lot of books though were written in a certain era, where language is different than it is now. Most books also tell a different story within the lines. The author might write the book for one main reason, but the reader may read it in a different point of view. I took a children's literature classe last year, and I was shocked on how many books were banned. I am also really bummed about all the books that did get banned, because they tend to be my favorite.

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